poetry journal
Aimless Hours of Glass
on their hands and knees
men with small hammers
fix stones for you to walk on
sharp silver sounds
out of the sun places
your own aimless hours of glass
we'd leave our dead at the sea
turned to silver fishes
our people nourished
by such treasure
grew strong
then others came
huge ships hauled the sea
for those we would never meet
now our own people dwindle
souls of our ancestors stolen.
as far as the eye can see small diamond stars tattoo
unspeakable skin
ancient linens a memory of water a beautiful woman once came
pure infant dreams deep on my strong shoulder swaying songs the rain peers into
nothing comes so softly as this day of leaving
even stones, once cursed
now picked up at random
savoured by mouth
a kiss let fall gently as if they'd remember only that
PD Lyons born and raised in the USA. Since 1998 has resided in Ireland. Lyons received Mattatuck College Award for Outstanding Achievement in Poetry, Bachelor of Science with honours from Teikyo Post University. The work of PD Lyons has appeared in many formats throughout the world.